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Drawing Lessons

I drew him
as he stood
in the morning light
on a stairway to statues
crafted from the veins of David.
Now I must go back
and fill in spaces
to mark the shadows
creeping in
on my fine, sculpted image.
Someday I will
hang the drawing
in evening’s still light
and sketch the lines
with my bent fingers
quavering touch
through faded eyes
tracing the breath of love
as it turned to frost.

Published inpoetryPoetry


  1. I love the interplay of the real and surreal here, esp the “breath of love turning to frost.” Like what goes on in a poet’s mind vs what ends up on the page, and how we always hope to align the two as closely as possible. πŸ™‚

  2. Oh this is sad. Beautiful but as age creeps up on us and leaves us flailing in it’s wake there is sorrow… Lost youth, changing relationships et al. Sigh…
    So in summary, sad, beautiful but very brilliant. Thanks LT πŸ™‚

  3. We and others change as time marches on, right? What we view with young eyes can be vastly different from the way we see things with mature eyes (and of course, what we’re seeing changes as well). Beautiful description, Lana — Happy New Year!

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